About me…

I am a classical singer and social activist. Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, I now live outside Austin, Texas where I work as a singer & teacher. I’m also committed to political and social activism.

I have a passion for new music. I am fortunate to have worked with multiple groups and composers. In 2020, I collaborated with composer Rain Nox to create a new song cycle for soprano and piano called, “The ERA Project”. The six songs are about the history of the Women’s Movement and Equal Rights Amendment. I have a personal connection to the ERA through my grandmother, Cecil Norton Broy, who features prominently in the work. The piece debuted virtually in August of 2020 and performed live in four locations since then.

In 2021, I collaborated with composer Adrienne Inglis to create another song cycle called Most Importantly Loves. I wrote letters to my two nephews, three nieces, and my son to be set to music for soprano and piano. The piece debuted in October 2021 in Austin, TX.

I continue to sing with local groups including One Ounce Opera, LOLA, Inversion Ensemble, The San Antonio Chamber Choir, The Texas Bach Festival and Cantorum in addition to performing solo concerts.

This January, I’m beginning a new project as the director of a choir for teens on the Autism Spectrum with American Artists Project here in Austin.

Please see my entries in ‘Activism’ about these and other projects!
